We have a running text thread with our group. Whenever someone is needing prayer, one of the first places I go (sometimes even before my parents!) is to that text group. Repeatedly, we’ve had someone praying for us in our time of need within minutes. We’ve praised God for answered prayers together. We’ve seen God move.
Community groups are a place to get to know people within the church better. Just this Sunday, Geo referenced how Jesus always made it a point to go to synagogue each week. Why would the Son of Man need to do that? He was well connected with the God of the universe–surely he didn’t need to go to church too. On top of that, he was a part of a community of 12 in which he hung out with consistently. This group weathered many storms together (they had the right surge protector–haha). Jesus was giving us an example to live by. Going to church is good; being part of an intentional, smaller community is better.
These groups will not be perfect. You will find broken people just like you. They will hurt you; and I can bet there will even come a point in which you hurt them. The Community Group is meant to be a place where you walk together through the highs and the lows, where you can feel more comfortable sharing your deep concerns about life and about faith–no judgment, just encouragement.
This next Tuesday at 7pm, both Community Groups will be starting the same study together: Andy Stanley’s “Community.” I implore you to check out either of the two groups whether it be your first time, or one of those just-haven’t-been-in-awhile. You are welcome, and always will be. Let’s plug in.