John Robinson
I was born in Dallas, but spent my school years in Booker, Texas a small town in the northeast corner of the panhandle. It was at the First Baptist Church in Booker at the age of 11 that I surrendered my life to Christ at a revival. It wasn’t until my second year at Texas Tech that I began to experience the vivid taste of Christ. That is when I met Linda Higginbotham, who introduced me to a Bible church where I began to understand that salvation was just the first rung on the ladder and sanctification was a lifelong journey. Oh, by the way, Linda Higginbotham became Linda Robinson in December of 1974.
Linda and I have been blessed with three children who are now adults, Amy, Alyson and John Micah and a son-in-law, Arie Katz who is married to Amy.
My spiritual journey began to grow exponentially when I was introduced to Bible Study Fellowship in 1980. It was there by the in depth study of God’s Word that I began to understand the magnitude of God’s love for me and what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
For the past 10 years I have served in various leadership roles in BSF and currently serve as Area Advisor to the evening men’s classes in DFW and North Central Texas.
Linda and I have been a part of MCC for the past 4 years and have served in various roles. I count it a privilege to serve the families of MCC for the cause of Christ.