Mar 25, 2018
An Example of Service
By: Geo Ammerman
Series: Foundations
Jesus came to serve and has called those who call themselves Christians to do likewise. As we continue in our series on the Foundations of MCC we will explore the Why, the How, and the Who of Christian Service.
- Mar 25, 2018An Example of ServiceMar 25, 2018An Example of ServiceBy: Geo AmmermanSeries: FoundationsJesus came to serve and has called those who call themselves Christians to do likewise. As we continue in our series on the Foundations of MCC we will explore the Why, the How, and the Who of Christian Service.
- Mar 18, 2018Eye-Opening Reason to LiveMar 18, 2018Eye-Opening Reason to LiveSeries: FoundationsGot purpose? What gives you meaning to your days? When you are old and gray (insert joke here), what will you be happy you devoted your life and your effort towards? There really is an eye-opening purpose to live, as Jesus related to a dumbfounded enemy of His, Saul of Tarsus. Lots of good “career counseling” when Jesus shows up!
- Mar 11, 2018That was Then, This is NowMar 11, 2018That was Then, This is NowSeries: FoundationsAre you walking under a cloud of regret? Remorse? Shame? Don’t you wish you could convince yourself that, in Christ, “That was then, this is now.” Journey with Paul as he proclaims that very, very Good News which is rooted in the mercies and goodness and authority of the risen Jesus!
- Mar 4, 2018Peter Eyewitness to HistoryMar 4, 2018Peter Eyewitness to HistorySeries: FoundationsWhat are you famous for? What do your friends and family consider to be your core? One of Jesus’ most famous disciples, Simon Peter, was famous – and at times, infamous! Thank God – literally – that Peter’s most famous moment was not his denial of Jesus. Instead, with the Lord’s restoration Peter went from cowardice to courage. What caused the change? Peter’s amazing transformation was spurred by the amazing demonstration of the veracity of Jesus’ unique, audacious claims through His resurrection from the dead! Check it out with us, as we look at Peter’s own explanation in Acts 2!
- Feb 25, 2018Use This BookFeb 25, 2018Use This BookBy: Geo AmmermanSeries: FoundationsGod gave us a book, and he gave it to us for our profit. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 we examine the Bible’s extraordinary usefulness, profit for counsel, conviction, correction, and conditioning. Often setting idol on our shelf and in our life, the Bible is calling out, “USE ME!”
- Feb 18, 2018God’s Sacred Text MessageFeb 18, 2018God’s Sacred Text MessageSeries: FoundationsDo you ever feel incomplete? God has given you a resource that will complete you! That same resource offers capability to the incapable, adequacy for the inadequate, equipping for the ill-equipped, and preparation for the unprepared! Sound good? This week’s message will reveal your resource!