Elizabeth Keller
I grew up in a military family that did not approve of church or church-goers. In spite of this, I always felt drawn to church. I met my husband, Michael, while we were attending the University of Washington. Michael was already committed to the U.S. Navy. We were married in 1979 and three days later we made the first of our many moves.
During Michael’s active duty service, we attended many churches in many different states. Each time we moved, we had a better idea of what we were looking for in a church. During this time, I grew from merely attending church to recognizing a saving faith. With that recognition came a hunger to study God’s word. When we returned to the Seattle area in 1990, we found a Bible teaching church, where we actively pursued bible study. In 2011, Michael’s civilian job moved us to DFW.
When we found MCC, we stopped looking for a church. My highest priority was met: messages that are scripture based. We also felt welcome. I love that there are several opportunities each week to gather in prayer. I also appreciate the variety of small groups. When I decided to leave corporate accounting, I was excited to use my occupation in support God’s work through MCC.
Michael and I have two married sons and four grandchildren.